Who we are.

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Chris Peace (Lecturer and Principal Consultant)

ORCID Academic information
LinkedIn Professional Profile
Full CV can be downloaded here

Chris is a Lecturer in Occupational Health and Safety at Victoria University of Wellington but had previously set up Risk Management Ltd in 2003 to help clients establish effective risk management frameworks, including carrying out major risk assessments to help inform decision-making. In addition to teaching, he now carries out research-based projects.

Between 2005-2012 Chris was a part-time Lecturer in Risk Management Studies at Massey University and re-wrote the course handbooks to align them with ISO31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and guidelines and ISO31010: 2009 Risk Management – Risk Assessment Techniques.

Chris represents the New Zealand Institute for Safety Management on two joint standards committees and has made contributions to several international and joint standards. He continues to act as an expert witness in criminal and civil cases.

He gained his PhD in Management from Victoria University of Wellington in 2019. Chris also has an MSc in Risk Management and Safety Technology (1996) and a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Health (1974).